Thursday 12 September 2013

Gary found easy tricks to resolved panda

 The more your name is out there, the more you can gain credibility and trust. If you want to be press-worthy, do, act, write or say things that are press-worthy, whether it is by humor of by philanthropy. Issue press releases and use a publicist if you are unsure how to do this. Sponsor local events, host contests and reach out to industry or area bloggers and barter for coverage. Make a list of 30 sites where you want your link to show up, based on relative keywords, industries, similar images and more. Check those sites backlink profiles and see where they are getting links and see if you can obtain any of them.

 Social media for link building is beneficial as well. Your main goal is to get attention and build links from secondary, trusted press and news. With social, you are not trying to make sales or gain links with specific anchor text, you are trying to get recognized and increase brand awareness. Google + is personalized search on steroids, and it uses you, your friends, and things you and they like to give you specific results.

 Implement these various ways to build out your link portfolio and remember that the best link profiles are diverse and filled with different, high quality links. Keep in mind that a link building strategy is a long-term investment in your site and should be a continual effort. Building a solid SEO foundation is your best defense in the face of pandas, penguins, and what’s to come.

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